Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Both have lost more than half their brand value in the space of one year

TO BE NOTED: From EconomPic Data:

"Bank Brand Value... Then and Now

Felix Salmon with the details:

The changes are staggering. Last year, the two most valuable financial brands in the world were Bank of America and Citi; this year, BofA is in 8th place, while Citi’s not even in the top ten any more. Both have lost more than half their brand value in the space of one year. Last year, four of the top five banks were US-based; this year, the top four comprise three Chinese banks and a fourth with the China-centric name of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Last year’s top 20 is this year’s top 15, despite the arrival of Visa (with a valuation which is now good for 5th place, but which would have got it only 10th place last year).
Below is a chart of the top 9 from 2008 (#10 was Deutsche Bank, which fell out of the top 15 in 2009) vs. 2009.

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